Fresh Vision

In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus called Peter to get a fresh, new vision for life by following Him in every area of his life. We can get Christ’s fresh vision for our lives by following Jesus in everything. Jesus had a vision for Peter’s boat, his nets, and for his fish. And Jesus has a vision for your stuff, your occupation, and your life’s purpose. Will you follow him?

Fresh Family

The apostle Paul told the Ephesians that it was God’s plan to bring everything into submission under Christ, so that everything in heaven and earth are united in Him (Eph. 1:10). It is in Christ that all things are made new! He then laid out the implications of how this new life in Christ would impact every facet of our lives, including the roles of the Christian family. We can experience this this new life in our families by being united in Christ and submitting to God’s plan for the family.

Fresh Relationships

It can be difficult to have good lifelong relationships with family, with co-workers, and even with friends. Many of our relationships end in quarrel or just dissolve in indifference. God shows us through the cross that His relationship to us is selfless, unconditionally loving, and full of mercy and grace. He commissions us to do the same with others.

In the apostle Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi, he taught them that they could experience the joy of right relationships through knowing Christ. This is the secret. We need Jesus to give us peace within, before we can have peace with others. We can experience the joy of right relationships with others through Christ.

Fresh You

We all want to change something, but the problem is that it’s impossible to change ourselves without the help of the One who made us. This deep desire for a new and fresh you, is actually from God. In the apostle Paul’s second letter to the church at Corinth, he encouraged them them to fully become the new creation in Christ that God desired. We can experience the new life that God offers us through Christ.

O Come All Ye Faithful

Christmas carols. All of us have our favorites. I don’t know what mood you’re in this Christmas. Perhaps because of this warm North Carolina weather you’re singing along with Bing Crosby: “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas.” Or maybe you’re missing someone this Christmas and you’re humming along with Elvis: “I’ll have a blue Christmas without you.” Whether it’s a white one or a blue one, there’s just something about Christmas that makes us want to sing.

When did all of this caroling begin? It was a little over 2,000 years ago when Christ was born and an angelic choir sang “Glory to God in the highest” to an audience of shepherds in Bethlehem. Faithful followers of Jesus have been singing ever since!

O Holy Night

What would move you to “fall on your knees” in worship today? Many of us have lost the wonder and worship of Christ’s coming. For some the holidays are a reminder of the empty chairs at the supper table this year. Or of the trials that challenge us to fall short of our expectations for the perfect Christmas season.  But the carol, “O Holy Night”, inspired by Luke’s gospel, invites us to contemplate the story of Christmas anew

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

In Matthew’s gospel, he showed that the birth of Christ was the fulfillment of the Old Testament’s promises. Writing to a predominantly Jewish audience, he desired to give them the hope that they had long awaited. We too can experience this hope that we have been truly searching for. In today’s passage we will study the fulfillment of God’s promise to send His Son who is Emmanuel, God with us. Today we will see three ways to experience “God with us” in our lives.

Be a Witness

In the book of Acts Jesus gave final instructions to His disciples about their mission in the world. That’s what the book is about. “The Acts of the Apostles” – It’s how they began to be and do what Christ commanded. And what did He command? “Be my witnesses.” Christ told His disciples that they were to be witnesses of the good news about Jesus to the whole world.

Be Equipped

Don’t you wish there was a spiritual “Swiss army knife” to equip us to survive in this sinful world? God has given us His Word, a kind of spiritual survival equipment for the soul. In the apostle Paul’s second letter to Timothy, he told Timothy that the Bible had everything he needed to be fully equipped as a Christian. We can be fully equipped with everything we need as Christians through God’s Word.

Be Forgiven

Do you ever feel distant from God? Does the shame and guilt of sin ever make you feel this distance? As if God is far away? Who do you think moved? What do we do as Christians when we sin? In the apostle John’s first letter, he told his hearers that they could know and experience God’s ongoing forgiveness as those who were adopted into His family. We can know and experience God’s ongoing forgiveness in our lives.